6V6GT, 6V6G and 7408 tubes  

Our 6V6 tubes are tested for mutual conductance and plate current before shipping.  

This insures that these tubes will perform and facilitates proper matching of pairs.  

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Order no. Tube type and description Price each
6V6.001 6V6G   ST shape US brands $30.00
6V6.002 Sylvania 6V6GT   clear glass with top silver getter $30.00
6V6.003 Sylvania 6V6GT  J.A.N. Sylvania and Phillips $30.00
6V6.004 Sylvania 6V6GT  J.A.N. Sylvania brown base $40.00
6V6.005 Sylvania 6V6GT  Sylvania smoke glass (1960 and earlier vintage) $40.00
6V6.006 RCA 6V6GT  full black base $25.00
6V6.007 RCA 6V6GT  clear glass $25.00
6V6.008 RCA 6V6GT RCA clear glass brown base $40.00
6V6.015 Tung-Sol 6V6GT  Tung-Sol black glass $40.00
6V6.016 Tung-Sol 6V6GT  Tung-Sol clear glass $35.00
6V6.017 Raytheon 6V6GT  Raytheon clear glass $30.00
6V6.018 Raytheon 6V6GT  Raytheon smoked glass brown base $40.00
6V6.019 Raytheon 6V6GT  Raytheon smoked glass black base $40.00
6V6.020 G.E. 6V6GT  G.E. smoked glass $30.00
6V6.021 G.E. 6V6GT  G.E. grey plate $30.00
6V6.022 G.E. 6V6GT  G.E. black plate $30.00
6V6.023 CBS Hytron 6V6GT  CBS Hytron smoked glass black base $35.00
6V6.024 CBS Hytron 6V6GT  CBS Hytron smoked glass brown base $40.00
6V6.025 CBS Hytron 6V6GT  CBS Hytron clear glass $30.00
6V6.026 National Union 6V6GT  National Union smoke glass $30.00
6V6.027 National Union 6V6GT  National Union black glass $35.00
6V6.028 Westinghouse 6V6GT  Westinghouse 7591A style plate structure $30.00
6V6.029 Westinghouse 6V6GT  Westinghouse 6V6GT type plate structure $35.00
6V6.030 Westinghouse 6V6GT  Westinghouse smoked glass $30.00
6V6.031 Kenrad 6V6GT  Kenrad $35.00
6V6.032 6V6GT  Other US manufacturers black glass $30.00
6V6.033 6V6GT  Other US manufacturers smoke glass $30.00
6V6.034 6V6GT  Other US manufacturers clear glass $25.00


7408 tubes

Order no. Tube type and description Price each
7408.001 7408 US manufactured by various US companies $50.00


