12AX7/ECC83 tubes

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Order no. Tube type and description Price each
12AX7.001 Siemens 12AX7/ECC83  Grey plate, round getter. Made in Germany  $75.00
12AX7.002 Amperex 12AX7/ECC83  Bugle Boy $75.00
12AX7.003 Amperex 12AX7  Orange label, European construction $40.00
12AX7.004 Phillips 12AX7  Philips 12AX7/ECC83 Dimpled disc getter $100.00
12AX7.005 Phillips 12AX7  Round getter, grey plate $85.00
12AX7.006 Mullard 12AX7  "B" manufacture code, Blackburn plant $75.00
12AX7.007 G.E. 12AX7  Short grey plate $25.00
12AX7.008 G.E. 12AX7   Long rectangular plate $45.00
12AX7.009 JAN Phillips 12AX7/ECC83  JAN 12AX7 Philips Sylvania $30.00
12AX7.012 RCA 12AX7/ECC83  Grey plate $75.00
12AX7.013 RCA 12AX7/ECC83  Black plate $85.00
12AX7.014 Raytheon 12AX7/ECC83 Black plate, round getter  $50.00
12AX7.015 Raytheon 12AX7/ECC83  Grey plate, round getter $20.00
12AX7.016 Tung-Sol 12AX7/ECC83  Tungsol  12AX7/ECC83 $40.00
12AX7.017 Telefunken 12AX7/ECC83  Ribbed plate $75.00
12AX7.018 Telefunken 12AX7/ECC83  Smooth plate $100.00
12AX7.019 Ei 12AX7/ECC83  Smooth plate, made in Yugoslavia $35.00
12AX7.021 Sovtek 12AX7/ECC83  Short grey plate $15.00
12AX7.024 Electroharmonix 12AX7/ECC83  Electroharmonics current production $10.00
12AX7.026 Svetlana 12AX7/ECC83  Real Svetlana tubes made in St. Petersburg Russia $20.00
12AX7.027 JJ 12AX7/ECC83  Nice sounding modern production tube from JJ with small JJ plate structure  Small plate $12.00
12AX7.028 Chinese 12AX7/ECC83  Nice sounding tube from China $10.00
12AX7.029 Japanese 12AX7/ECC83  12AX7's from vairous manufacturers in Japan $17.00
12AX7.030 Sylvania 12AX7/ECC83  short grey plate $30.00
12AX7.031 Sylvania 12AX7/ECC83  long grey plate $30.00
12AX7.032 Sylvania 12AX7/ECC83  Black plate $50.00
12AX7.033 Sylvania 12AX7/ECC83  12AX7WA $30.00
12AX7.034 Westinghouse 12AX7/ECC83  grey plates $30.00

